Rochester Castle: Architectural Power-projection

A mighty mist-shrouded castle, taken during a previous visit
several years ago

On Friday 26th July, I travelled with my friend, Dave Tonge, from Norfolk down to Rochester in Kent, where Dave was storytelling within the mighty Norman castle. The vertiginous tower-keep was built in the 1120s for William Corbeil, Archbishop of Canterbury. It is strategically well-situated, overlooking an important crossing on the River Medway, near to the London Road. Constructed from rough-hewn Kentish ragstone, standing up-close to the walls and looking up it is almost cliff-like. It is an impressive and imposing structure and, although undoubtedly a defensible military structure, it is also a bold statement of Norman power. Here are some of my photos taken during this visit...

The Fallible Flaneur <*((((><(


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