Voyages: St Peter, Corpusty, north Norfolk
Serendipity: 'good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries.'
The 'Garden of Remembrance Monument' by Gary Breeze & Jo Sweeting is part of The Lettering Arts Trust 'Art & Memory Collection', which you can explore within the graveyard of Corpusty Church, NR11 8QD
A lovely gentle warmth on this late March day. I walk slowly as I approach the church of St Peter, Corpusty, north Norfolk. In the graveyard stands a vessel on a plinth. A stone boat (or ark?) with a simple hammered metal cross for a mast. The clouds, slowly drifting in the distance, suggest movement. Here it voyages, against a backdrop of a freshly ploughed field - the horizon, fringed by trees.
The Fallible Flaneur <*(((((><(
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