Remembering John Donne: St Paul's Cathedral and Corpusty Church, Norfolk


John Donne (1572-1631)

John Donne was a man who wished to be remembered. Above, is a carved effigy of him wearing his death shroud, which I photographed during a visit to St Paul's Cathedral in 2016 - an apt resting place for him as he was once Dean of St Paul's. In his day, he was noted as a great preacher and thousands would flock to hear his sermons. He also left a very significant legacy as a poet. 

This stone, carved by John Rust and located in the graveyard of St Peter, Corpusty, north Norfolk, is part of The Lettering Arts Trust's 'Art & Memory Collection'. In such a setting - especially on a glorious Spring day! - the words seem a fitting reminder not to become distracted by detail, but to be receptive to things that really matter:

'I neglect God 

and His angels

for the noise

of a fly

for the rattling

of a coach

for the whining

of a door'

The Fallible Flaneur <*(((((><( 


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